
Sketching out loud

As a designer and researcher, I do all of my initial thinking by drawing and scribbling thoughts on paper. These posts illustrate ideas and concepts that are born out of the everyday work on different playgrounds or in conversation with others – researchers, pedagogists, academics, educators, writers and artists alike.

Unless otherwise notes, sketches and other images on this blog are by Tatiana Zakharova. The sketches are not meant to be illustrations to the written pieces, but work to illuminate how the practices of embodied situated ethnographic research connect with the imagined conversations with feminist, posthuman, critical scholars and writers.

Pecha-kucha on play

Pecha-kucha on play

designerFeb 2, 2023

Pecha-kucha presentations contain exactly 20 slides that are displayed for 20 seconds each. The slides contain no text, only images,…